Free SEO Keyword Tool

Free SEO Keyword Tool

This week I continued working on my Blog training. I started out working on my Partnership to Success training. While doing that, I happened to check my Gmail and I noticed an email from Alexa. Alexa is one of the most powerful internet metrics tools available. It was an email that included a link to a SEO Keyword checklist (click on the link to get your free copy). It reminded me of the importance of doing keyword research to get free organic traffic to my Blog. I use a tool called Jaaxy. It’s a free SEO keyword tool that you can use to research keyword competition for SEO optimization.

Jaaxy is a large component of the Wealthy Affiliate training that I mentioned last time. Jaaxy also has a premium version for those that intend on using search engine optimization (SEO) as a staple in their efforts to get organic (free) traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Researching Competitive SEO Keywords

My intent this week to write another Blog post quickly turned into an exercise in SEO keyword training and implementation. I found myself not only working through my Partnership to Success training, but the Alexa SEO keyword checklist, reminded me that I wanted to make my Blog SEO optimized. That sent me back to continue my training at Wealthy Affiliate. Fortunately, where I had left on my training was right at the keyword training.

I found myself research keywords as I was going through the training and visa versa. I was able to find some competitive keywords to use for my Blog as well as a review that I plan to do very soon. The funny thing about all of this is that I had intended to write a Blog post, and the next thing you know, I had spent all of my time going through the training and chasing down keywords.

Part of the training that I went through in Wealthy Affiliate was preparing to do a product review about Wealthy Affiliate. That required me to set up a review template that I would use for the review and all of my reviews moving forward.

Final Thoughts

So, the lesson here is that even though we may have a clear picture of the tasks that we intend to complete in a certain time frame, it’s OK if you find yourself doing research that will make your efforts more impactful. So, this is the Blog post that I was planning to write about this week. Although, if I hadn’t gone down the path of additional research, this Blog post would be about something completely different. The difference being, that this Blog post is SEO optimized with competitive keywords. Meaning, that in time people will be able to find it on Google, Yahoo and Bing.

To find out how to do SEO optimization from the experts that I am learning from, you want to go to Wealthy Affiliate. You’ll be glad you did.

If you have any comments or questions, you can leave them below.

Until next time,



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