It’s another exciting day! Welcome. Today, I’m going to do a brief recap of my efforts that last few days. I’m also going to mention a couple of the the best affiliate marketing training courses that, in my opinion, will be a great place for anyone to get started in online marketing.

Best Affiliate Marketing Training Courses

In week two of my training in John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success product creation training, we continued working on the appearance of my Blog. Last week, I installed my logo graphics, wrote my first Blog post and created my “About Greg Hoyt” page among other things.

This week, I learrned about installing OptimizePress 2.0 on to my website dashboard, changing my theme to the one recommended by John, setting my Gravatar, adding menus and working with my Header. Its amazing how quickly your website starts to take form when you have the right guidance.

Wealthy Affiliate

I also referred to my training in Wealthy Affiliate. In my opinion, it is the best free affiliate marketing training you can get. They also have a premium membership. But, the free version is an excellent place to get started. This is the other program that I previously mentioned that teaches you how to build your own websites, in any niche or interest. They provide the best online SEO training you can get. They also provide you with a free SEO keyword tool.

In my Blog, I used the “Site Content” feature. It helps you write your content so that it is SEO optimized, which helps your content get indexed by Google. As I mentioned last week,  Wealthy Affiliate is not part of the Partnership to Success training. But, it compliments it perfectly and actually enhances the results of your content.

I was already using Wealthy Affiliate long before I came across Partnership to Success. If you’re just starting out, I wouldn’t recommend trying to do both trainings at the same time. Either one is a great place to start. If you are a more seasoned online marketer, you could probably do both at the same time.

Supporting a Launch

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to support the launch of one of the other members of Partnership to Success, by promoting the launch to my email list. Torsten Mueller, who has been in John’s group for a while, launched a new product. It is called, “Launching Blueprint“. It is a product that he created through the training he learned in the Partnership to Success training about creating your own products.

Something that stood out to me as the day went on, was that I was seeing other internet markers promoting his product. Names that I have seen around for a long time. And, it occurred to me that many of these people must have already gone through Partnership to Success. I knew the training recommends that the members support each other’s launch. It was just great to see it in action. Knowing that one day they would be supporting mine.

Final Thoughts

It has been a productive couple of weeks, so far. I know I have a long way to go in my journey. But, it is satisfying seeing the small improvements in my website from my efforts. As well, as being able to support a fellow member with his launch and seeing it play out in front of me throughout the day. Torsten reports that he had a great first day for his launch and I couldn’t be happier for him.

I would encourage you to check out the links on this page for the best affiliate marketing training courses out there. There are a few others that I would recommend also, but I leave that for another day.

Have a great day everyone. Thanks for reading.

If you have any comments or questions, you can leave them below.

Until next time,






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