Thank you for visiting my site today. There’s something I want to talk about today that I think may be of interest to you. I had a paradigm shift recently in my thinking regarding affiliate marketing.

Traditional Affiliate Marketing

Over the last few years I had been trying to work the traditional affiliate marketing model. This is where you set up lead magnets, try to build a subscriber list and promote new offers or products (shiny objects) that come along. You’re probably on the email list of several affiliate marketers and you get barraged by most of them on a daily basis with the latest products that have hit the market.

I worked that business model for a long time, and to be honest my results were less than I had hoped. Being on what seemed like hundreds of other marketers lists, I was and still am, receiving emails daily from them promoting these new products. I would find myself buying many products because at the time I believed they would help me grow my business.

Many of those products would just sit on my computer gathering dust because I never got around to setting them up. Or, I would try to set them up and in many cases I would run into a road block that stopped me in my tracks.

Fast forward a week, a month or even years and a new product was being promoted that does the same thing as something I bought previously, but it included new features that would entice me to buy it. And, it goes on and on and on. You may have experienced the same thing.

But, one thing that always bugged me was that the affiliate marketers who sold me these products, didn’t seem to care if that product would work for me or not. They were just promoting products for their benefit, not mine.


The All-In-One Everlasting Business Model

I really didn’t want to be “that guy,” promoting products and offers for my own benefit, with a disregard for people that I want to believe in me and to learn from me.

I began searching for a mentor with a different business model. I paid thousands of dollars over time to different guru’s who I believed would be the answer. But, most of them seemed to fall into the traditional affiliate marketing category.

It left me feeling lost. Like I still hadn’t found what I was looking for and didn’t know what to do next. Then it happened. I was introduced to a gentleman online named Dean Holland. He is the CEO of an affiliate marketing business called, “Internet Profits Funnel System”. He is a disciple of Russel Brunson of Clickfunnels fame. In fact, Dean became one of the most successful affiliates ever in Clickfunnels. He became a “Two Comma” earner with Clickfunnels. Meaning he had made at least $10,000,000 with them.

In his system, you go through a mandatory, in depth training program. For the most part, you are taught to promote the Internet Profits Funnel System, but the training is also applicable to any type of product. You are taught, the “Big Picture” of affiliate marketing as well as the details of how to put your marketing strategy into effect.

His system introduces you to driving free or paid traffic to your offers. The traffic training is from experts that normally would cost you a pretty penny. But, is included in his program, depending on your level of membership.

In addition to the excellent, professional training, his program is an all-in-one, everlasting system. All you have to do is drive traffic to one of many offers, and his funnel does the rest. They encourage you to set up your own lead capture and follow up system, and even gives you the training on how to do it. Alternatively, you can just promote their links if that’s what you want to do. Either way, his team follows up with your prospects for you, guiding them to the next step in the funnel. This can earn you commissions of a few dollars to $1,000’s.

If you’re interested in learning more about it, I would encourage you to optin to my list, which will introduce you to the many different products that are available to you and that you could promote. You can get access here: “Internet Profits Funnel System”.

Final Thoughts

If you’re tired of the traditional affiliate marketing business model, and would sincerely like to be able to help people get on track with a winning business model, I would say that you would be hard-pressed to find a more comprehensive, all-in-one, everlasting business. It will be the last online business you’ll need to invest in, focus on, and learn. While at the same time you’ll feel confident that you are guiding people towards achieving their own goals in an effective and sincere manner.

He teaches you to be totally transparent with your subscribers and everyone else you come into contact with online. People will relate to you if you do this. He encourages you to start your own Blog and to post on it regularly. This is where you will speak to your audience and where they will come to “know, like and trust” you.

I wish I would have found this years ago and you will too. I am so grateful I finally found the right mentor, who I love listening to (daily if I want to), with the right business model that offers the best chance for me to realize my goals of quitting my job and living a lifestyle others only dream about. If I’ve peaked your curiosity, get started here today:

“Internet Profits Funnel System”

Until next time,








    12 replies to "Internet Profits Formula System – Dean Holland"

    • Ken


      I am in the same boat! I one day hope to be able to supplement my income or even only rely on my online business for income and be able to forego working for others.  I have spent 18 years working anything from retail, first responding, and now mental health.  I love it, but would love to be able to do that as a passion, not a necessity, and make money with an online business that i am also passionate about. 

      I only recently (last week) learned about Click Funnel through a colleague of mine, and am really interested in learning more about the concept of funneling.  I am new also to affiliate marketing and am trying my hand at that.  What I love about affiliate marketing is that it’s not a high cost setup if you are doing it right.  Except, that it requires a lot of time and learning dedicated towards the experience.  

      I will now have a third avenue to learn about thanks to this article and I appreciate that a lot. 

      Thank you!

      • Greg Hoyt

        Hi Ken,

        As I mentioned in my article, I’ve been working on affiliate marketing for a while now. And, while the concept seems simple enough, the truth is that it’s an ever fleeting animal, where success always seems to be just beyond your reach.

        You can make a few dollars here and there, but it’s tough to make anything significant, on a regular basis. You really need the right mentor, training, system and products. I found them all in Dean Holland’s program. BTW, he specializes in funnels.

        If I were in your shoes, I would start with him. You won’t need to go anywhere else, once you do.

        Thanks for sharing.

        Good luck!


    • Joseph Stasaitis

      Yes many marketers unfortunately don’t care if the end user receives results as long as they purchase the product and hopefully don’t return it if it does not perform as hoped.  There are a few out there that do, and guarantee their coaching fees on a results basis. Dean Holland is the real deal as is Russell Brunson.

      I am currently working with a student of Russell’s, and being a “Two Comma” earner is quite an achievement indeed.  You are in good company there.  

      The Internet Profits Funnel is a very legitimate way to learn to earn online.  Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Robb Corbett

      Interesting post.  I have never heard of the The Internets Profits funnel system, however I have heard of Russel Brunson of course.  His stuff is usually very good.  So you only promote their system or are you promoting other affiliate offers and your own products?   How long has this program been around?  Cheers

    • Russell

      I know what it’s like to go from one “guru” to another. And I knw what it’s like to have a mentor. While mine bailed after about 4 months, you are lucky that yours have stayed on. So what has been your experience? Have you been able to hit any of your goals, especially the financial ones? How is this system different from the others?

    • Shui Hyen

      Hi Greg,

      I have been applying the old affiliate marketing method for almost 2 years and only earns a few dollars here and there which is really discouraging. Although, l never heard about Internet Profit Funnels system however l am an affiliate to ClickFunnel but not active. Recently, Russell launched an One Click Funnel Challenge and thinking of joining it. I see that Internet Profit Funnel system employs the same strategies as ClickFunnel.

      One the sale page of Internet Profit Funnel system it offers a physical Affiliate Marketing Playbook where it’s free but you have to cover the shipping costs. Just wondering how much the whole course cost?

      Thank you.

    • Zihad


      This was really an interesting post. I had no idea about the Internets Profits funnel system. After reading your article I found out about the Internets Profits funnel system. I’m new to affiliate marketing. So I think it’s important to know about click funnel. Hope this will be very helpful in earning money in online business.
      Thank you for your helpful writing. 🙂 


    • Zihad

      Hello Greg!

      Good to see your article about a different topic. making own business is so valuable but not so easy on other hand. Your article will help to set up a business as you describes the process well. Your traditional affiliate marketing model inspires to built own business. Good to know about goal for your own business. I though to start a new business but I also don’t want to promote tools and products like you. but could not find a way to do so. 

      Thanks for the article.

    • Tom Caldwell

      Greg, forgive my scepticism but this sound like yet another over priced training with endless upsales.  I have waste thousands of dollars on these programs. Advesity and 4 percent to name a few. It seems to me that they prey on beginners who have a credit card and once the credit card is maxed out the newbie feels taken advantage of and stops working the program. I think that I will pass on your offer and stay with Wealthy Affiliate’s all-in-one system.

      • Greg Hoyt

        Hi Tom,

        I completely understand where you are coming from. What you describe is the point I was trying to make. So much of what is being promoted out there really doesn’t help you build your online business from where you are starting. That was my experience up until I found Dean Holland’s system. It has provided me with the training and guidance that I’ve been looking for from the beginning.

        I believe Wealthy Affiliate is a tremendous learning platform as well. The two compliment each other nicely. I have been a member with WA for a couple years and plan on keeping it for the log term.

        Thank you for your feedback!


    • Gomer

      Hi, my name is Gomer Magtibay, I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate. If you’re not familiar with WA, it’s an online community for affiliate marketers builder niche sites. I love the community for excellent tools, training and support except for one thing that I really don’t like: They’re so focused on promoting Amazon products and the WA Bootcamp, meaning, they think only of two things when it comes to legit business, and they bash the rest including Click Funnels of Russell Brunson.

      If you are going to promote Internet Profits Formula System using your own WordPress blog, chances are you will encounter comments from WA members who know nothing best except for the WA program. While WA is a very good program, it’s not the only program that we can promote as there are other excellent programs too, like Russell Brunson’s Click Funnels and Dean Holland’s Internet Profit Formula System.

      In case you encounter negative comments from WA affiliates, never mind. Just go on promoting your program, for as long as you believe in your program, as long as you treat your business partners fairly, there’s nothing wrong. I have this experience of not acting on my niche for months just because someone from WA has bashed my blog post saying it’s bad to promote programs with upsells, etc. Had I not stopped promoting my program, I should have made a substantial amount of money by now and have changed my life.

      Adopt this mentality: “If it is up to be, it’s up to me!”

    • Michael

      Hi Greg. I’ve heard of click funnels, but don’t know a great deal about them. Does Dean Hollands course teach you to promote other products, or just click funnels? And is his a monthly membership, all-inclusive type thing, or something else. I’d be interested to know how successful you’ve been with click funnels? Thanks for the information.

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