Supreme Solo Ads

Supreme solo ads can be hard to come by. There are a lot of solo ad providers out there. But, I have found only one that I consider “Supreme”. You can see it HERE.

Supreme Solo Ads

No matter what type of business you have, one of your biggest goals is to get more customers. Whether you’re an online marketer or a brick and mortar business, if you don’t have any customers, you don’t have a business. At least not a profitable business.

That means that you have to advertise your business to attract those customers. But, how do you do that? Which advertising media works the best to bring customers into your store, business, website or offer?


There are many different avenues to choose from when it comes to advertising your business. There are the “old school” methods, such as posting an ad in the classifieds or more recently, on Craig’s List. You could advertise in magazines, radio or on TV. While some of these may still be effective, many can be an expensive way to go.

Another option is to do online advertising. Some online possibilities are Facebook ads, Google Adwords, YouTube, Instagram and other social media sites, as well as solo ads.

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are a popular way to expand your reach for gaining customers. Facebook offers a great way to locate your market segment, so that you are advertising to people that have shown an interest in the product category that you are selling. It can be an effective marketing strategy.

A few of the downsides to Facebook ads is that you have to have some online skills. You’ll need to be able to create or buy your ad’s video or image. You’ll need to know how to and where to send your visitors (i.e., your website or landing page). You’ll need to decide if you’re sending them straight to your offer or an optin page. If it’s an optin page, you’ll need to already have that created and ready to receive your visitors.

A couple more challenges are that I have found Facebook ad traffic to be very low converting. I have spent thousands of dollars on Facebook ads only to wind up with a lot of visitors and very few optins or conversions. It is also getting more expensive all the time.

Social Media

Recently, other social media sites have been marketed as tremendous opportunities for getting traffic and sales. And, I’m sure that there are people out there that are having some success with those as well as Facebook ads. But, my experience is that you can put a tremendous amount of time into these social sites, but again the optin and conversion rates leave much to be desired.

There are people and businesses out there that offer to get visitors to your social network sites. You want to be cautious with this approach. There are definitely some reputable providers that will be able to send real quality traffic to your site, for a price. But, there are many pretenders who will send you visitors, or traffic that look like visitors, but are actually, low quality visitors or they use “Bots” to make it look like you’ve gotten a lot of visitors. But, ultimately they don’t equal sales.

Solo Ads

Solo ads are another option for attracting visitors and customers. You need to be careful though. Just as with social media services there are good ones and others who will send you low quality visitors that never buy anything. You need to know what you’re doing when it comes to selecting solo ad providers. If you’re new to using solo ads, you would be well served to get recommendations for solo ad providers from someone that knows the industry well.

My Go To Solo Ad Provider

If you’d rather not have to go through the training of how to discover legitimate solo ad providers, I would recommend that you go with an established leader in the solo ad space. You can use my go to guy. He is arguably the best solo ad provider in the industry. He has access to solo ad lists in many different niches. Especially, in the making money online niche. If you’re interested, you can learn more HERE.

Final Thoughts

As I mentioned earlier, there are many different ways to advertise your business to attract more customers. All of them can be successful to some degree. Some cost more than others. Some are difficult to be successful at and others have scam artists that just want to take your money.

There are a few benefits to using solo ads that can have long-lasting effects on your sales and success.

One is that when using solo ads, a recommended strategy is to send your visitors to an optin page first, so that you can “capture” their email; address. This allows you to market to them in the future, because now all you need to do is to send them emails regularly, allowing you to make repeat or additional sales to them moving forward. This becomes a tremendous asset to you and the future of your business.

Second, you avoid having to learn which solo ad providers are legitimate and which aren’t. And, you don’t have to take the time to learn the training to be able to do it on your own, which will save you a lot of time.

Third, solo ads allow you to scale your ad spend in a predictable, measured manner. You’ll know what you’re paying for each solo ad sent and will eventually what kind of response you’re getting each time you send one. The solo ad provider that I recommend the most highly, and who offers a guaranty, can be found HERE.

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Until next time,



    1 Response to "Supreme Solo Ads"

    • Charlie

      Great post!
      Personally, I buy solo ads on Udimi! High conversion rates. For example, I bought 500 clicks, delivered 571 and I received 28 sales! Quality traffic that quickly deliver.

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