Welcome to my first Blog post!

Why A Blog?

Well, this is a big day. I finally decided it was time to start my own Blog. Follow my journey as I transform from a relative “Newbie” in the internet marketing space to a successful online marketer. I have just joined an exclusive training program that is going to guide me over the next year. It’s John Thornhill’s Partnership to Success.

It Can Help You

Anyone that has tried to create an online income has run into roadblocks, frustration and empty promises. I will be providing you with ideas and information you can use in your online journey as you watch me move forward on my journey. There are many successful people in online marketing. The key is to stay persistent in your efforts. To try and try again until you start seeing signs of success. The little things, like getting your first sale. Then getting another and another. They may not seem like much at the time. But, that will be the foundation of a successful journey, moving forward.

Follow My Journey

Please follow along on this journey with me. I will be providing an ongoing narrative of my progress, as well as providing useful tips, information and suggestions that you can apply on your journey too.

I started getting serious about online marketing in 2016. But, one thing I learned along the way was that there are a lot of moving pieces in this business. Just when you think you got it figured out, nothing. No results for all of your efforts. It can be very frustrating.

I have learned a lot on my journey so far.  I have made sales and continue to make some recurring sales. But, I know I have a long way to go to get where I want to be. Follow my Blog to see how I stay consistent in my pursuits. It will help you to avoid some of my mistakes and will give you insights into what will work for you.

Final Thoughts

Everybody can use some help now and again to get them over the hump. It doesn’t matter what your challenges are, with regards to creating an online income. We all need help and guidance at some point. Follow along with me and I’ll do what I can to point you in the right direction, on an ongoing basis. The one thing I realized later in my journey was that I needed a mentor and a coach. I found that mentor in John Thornhill and you can too. You should seriously consider getting involved in his Partnership to Success Mentoring program.

If you have any comments or questions, you can leave them below.

Until next time,

Greg Hoyt







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